Deine Stimme zählt - "YOUR VOTE COUNTS! 2017"
At the beginning of the year we called on bands, soloists, choirs and music enthusiasts to make a contribution to a diverse and democratic Brandenburg with their song. The result is - like our society - full of (musical) diversity and will be released on September 20th 2017 in Potsdam under the patronage of the Prime Minister Dr. Dietmar Woidke.
The sampler "Deine Stimme zählt!" is available for free on CD and here for download!
The StarTruck Project
After many years of youth work experience, KMA was able to purchase and develop our STAR Truck in the year 2000. It is used to mobilize our outreach and further expand our work against radicalism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and violence.
We provide equal opportunities for youths in both Berlin and Brandenburg. Racist and xenophobic mindsets often arise when strong and positive alternative influences and viewpoints, as well as experience with people from immigrant backgrounds, are lacking. Through the STAR Truck project, we rely on meaningful experiences and positive encounters and exchanges to build lasting relationships between youths from a variety of environments.
In Brandenburg, we use our STAR Truck as a mobile stage to host events against the right. Here, we provide a chance for local youth dance and music projects to perform and connect with one another. Similarly, we provide courses and workshops including music, band and hip-hop projects, modern, break and street dance groups, theater and musical productions, video workshops, graffiti classes, soccer tournaments and many other activities. Many of these projects are catered to school classes and youth initiatives, clubs and centers in Brandenburg.
In 2005, we were awarded the "Ambassador of Tolerance" prize by the Bündnis für Demokratie und Toleranz ("The Alliance for Democracy and Tolerance") for our work with STAR Truck. In 2009 and 2010 we worked with "der Landespräventionsrat Brandenburg" and the "Tolerantes Brandenburg" initiative to manage a music competition and a series of concerts and cd releases, all focusing on the theme of tolerance.